Monthly Update - December 2015

Looking Forward into 2016:

This is the year we hope our film will make its way into your homes and ministries! Our shooting schedule will increase with intensity in the beginning months, so prayers over cast, crew, and the creative team are coveted and appreciated. We also hope to continually connect with organizations and ministries throughout the country that labor daily to serve and bring hope to those with PTSD.


We have officially raised $50,050 of our $250,000 goal!

There are countless stories of generous donations because people believe in what we are doing and see the need for a movie like ours. Please continue to help us spread the word. Donations are TAX-DEDUCTIBLE!

Support: Four Ways You Can Help!

  1. Support packs are still available on the website for purchase. These include: Stronger t-shirts, mugs, posters, pre-orders of blu-ray and DVDs, as well as VIP premier and after party tickets.

  2. Donation folders with our complete business plan are a great way to approach companies and larger donors looking for a cause to support. If you would like a packet please send a private message to us.

  3. Spread the word! Interact with us and share on social media to help get the word and information out.

  4. Pray. Lift up not only the project and people involved, but awareness & understanding of PTSD, our ministry partners and the work they are doing, and those affected by PTSD.


Behind the Scenes:

Below is a blooper from rehearsal before our last shoot!